L y n n y s m

Established May 11th, 2024

07 01 2024

Dear Celine, Inspiration SPIRITUALLY on millions of people FOREVER is rarely gain acknowledgement, seldomly attainable by just a few is a blessing second to none. You've had done your part Splendidly. Thank you so much. God Blessed


This is NOT about the DEBATE. This is about the Capability Ability AND Durability to take on the HEAVY job requirements of POTUS which happens to be not just America but the ENTIRE Planet where there are many ENEMIES foreign & domestic to tackle with Smartly Swiftly AND Strongly.

TriEagles.   07 01 2024.Non Negotiable  



06 30 2024

Celine Dion


Non Negotiable

5:55pm 06 30 2024


Myanmar Buddhism Extremists


I don't endorse Aung San Suu Kyi. Yes she is excel in Education Knowledge & Speaking. Here are the reasons I don't like ASSK. 1] She is bias in race (Burmese) religion (Buddhism)  2) Appeasement to Communist atheist China and too much politics finally 3) She is from Military background which her father is Bogyoke (General) Aung San. I prefer Civilian well educated fairness/unbias and Anti-China/Atheist and non discriminatory non corrupt honest person based on believing in THE TRUTH and look for welfare of the country and people FIRST.


Heart for Losts [ Saving Buddhist Souls in Buddhist Burma ]I've to be honest truthful & faithful to My Savior My Lord & My God ... LIVING Jesus Christ of Nazareth for CHANGE is inevitable because CHANGE is essential in pursuing for happiness love & affection. Yes, it is TRUE God save me from Buddhism Burma as a minority in religion being a BAPTIST Christian by pulling me out of Burma just in time in the 80s for LIVING Yeshua knows what's coming into Burma ahead of time. I was SAVED by the 1st one in 1988 UPRISING (followed by China massacre in T Square 1989) where the Buddhist Military Junta MASSACRE many, followed by 2nd 2007 Saffron Revolution MASSACRE where both civilians and monks were massacred. Now currently the 3rd Massacre, the worst one begins in Feb. 2021 to date killing thousands of civilians, destroying many villages and displaced Millions of people without anything losing all their little few things they have. Even in America I was pull out from work by Holy Spirit just 3 hours (around 7pm) ahead of Massacre ( enough time BEFORE blockage in and around where killing spree gone wild) when the shooting began "around 10pm" in October 2017 in the Hotel where I work.My forefront runner or leader is Baptist American Missionary Reverend GENIUS Adoniram Judson (+ his family) had translated English into Burmese BIBLE and then converted the FIRST Buddhist Burmese where at that time and era there's ZERO Christian's in Burma now known as Myanmar. 2:22am.    Carry On.


1:11am  06 30 2024Anointed AlphA     Witnesses Miracles.


The Hotel in Las Vegas (nice location next to freeway I - 15 in famous Strip) that endorse LBFCK. Look what happened. Consequences. Going Anti Christ has deep consequences. This is Fact. Not fiction. Told you. $8 per night and yet people don't come.   Non Negotiable.


One walks normal by himself while the other Needs Help Just To Walk. Characteristics of a strong confident President 45 and weak frail President 46. Video never Lie. The World Witness This.Non Negotiable  



Wonderfully Performed in the EYES of BILLIONS. Me adding it's the choice between Right & Wrong, Commonsense & Nonsense too. Amen.

Non Negotiable 



Simple YET Sophisticated.
Offensive vs. Counter Offensive.
"Equal Opportunity" 

4:44am: I can go OFFENSIVE you know. With Trillions of words coming out of my Brain Yes I can but I didn't do. My Lord who Gifted me won't allow. BUT if you Cross the REDLINE well sometimes "Hell Broke Lose". Don't, I repeat don't open the Pandora box for if you do you will NOT able to close it again. Just a preemptive warning.

Mind your own business asshole. Quote of the Century. 


2:22am.      Extraordinary for Ordinary Guy.Mercedes Benz AMG street sports car [ GAS ]*Quality over Quantity* [Quiet Quark]. The RAREST 1%. No sweat. I'm totally different. I don't jump over "bandwagon". I don't. I smile Forbidden China goes over ELECTRIC for all I can say is by starting 2050 Chinks will realize they made a humongous mistake but it's tooo late by then.....Futuristic Guy who sense what's coming. Amen!.Picture: My Style Street Sports. Remember... the Rear Tires must be "Wider Bigger" than front Tires. Compulsory Combination set of Tires for 1%.--- Seers Tryon.  Hint Dated May 15th, 2024. 


The "Museum of the Bible". One of my "Top Spot" on Earth. I rather go visit Bible Museum than visit Dubai. 


Artistic Natural Beauty 1% Ginger (Natural Red Hair). Artful  Video. Rarest 1%.--- Artview / Ginger Geniius 


Judeo - Christian FLAG

05 14 2024

Book of Wisdom.







05 13 2024

My type/style of GAS street cars. Rear tires must be BIGGER  WIDER than front tires. No exceptions.--- SEERS Samsonite.  05 13 2024+ AWE  Enterprise 


NATURAL [ not fake ]  Ginger (1% population) &  Blonde  (2% population) Hair. I love NATURAL / REAL. not Dye / Fake.05 13 2024+++ SEERS  [ 1% ]. 



I rather go for Quality rather than Quantity. --- SEERS [ 7thSense ].FACT:What's the use of having 1.4 Billion people and not a SUPER Power Nation when 350 million people nation becomes THE SUPER power Nation. ??? The more people you have, the more mouths to feed not to mention Earth is having problems with FOOD production. 


I live a very simple & modest life. Simple as much as possible. Serenity do counts in the very big way.--- SEERS  [ 7thSense ]. 


When a 23rd Century guy living in 21st Century, everything is way out of place meaning misunderstanding abound. Current world problems are easy to fix but will they accept let alone do it?. I don't think so. So be it. In the future they will see and realize my thoughts are true. ... SEERS [ 7thSense ].







The TRUTH is what really happened:Diabolic put dead birds on my property. This is the 5th one found. The more they do, the more I let the world see & know (update). God Bless. It shows their level of civilization putting dead birds on other person's property. Me don't even THINK let alone DO low life lunatics like this.--- Faith Junkie. 


05 11 2024


Anti Christ will have to pay dearly. 


Can you comprehend / understand this?.TIME is relevant to 99.99% Earthlings/Humans. 0.01% Earthlyns are NOT relevant with TIME. Earth TIME is different from other celestial objects like Mars for instance. Martian TIME is slower than Earth TIME etc.+++  A W E I I L Y N  [ Gifted Specie ] 05102024 


4:44am--- Stringent Singularity 


3:33am Futuristic Formula: ONLY passed cognitive tests Candidates will be regarded & recognize as Legitimate Winner in November 2024 General Election. 

Mind Over Body: Stringent Strategy. Starting from 2024 Presidential Election in November. Only PASSED Cognitive tests Candidates will be allowed to participate in General Election of USA Presidential Office to be TRULY Legitimate. ALL Candidates for USA Presidential Office MUST passed COGNITIVE test MANDATORY. No Exceptions!!!.World's "most powerful office" is too important & vital to Billions of humans INCLUDING Americans. It is so long since the 1st US President George Washington to date (46) ignored. Looking AHEAD with Futuristic Intelligent Supremacy [ FIS ] in leading the TRUE Superpower Nation USA with capable brains. Free ride is Over.--- MazeMental   05 10 2024 



Thank you. Appreciate that. 




Consciousness is just a Branch.... Mind over Matter. XixxiX 



God had granted me Ingenious Insights Naturally. Faith in Jesus/Yeshua. Terencelyn 

I don't rely on Humans.


THE Book will have to start from Mingalardon International Airport, Yangon City, Myanmar (Burma) where the Journey begins...
Terencelyn 12122023 

 AM capable of writing a book name "My life in United States of America" or simply "My life in America" and become INSTANT multi-millionaire IF I want to...
Terencelyn. 12122023 





GOOD sign on September 23rd, 2017. DEVIL/SATAN landed 1 week after on October 1st, 2017 and 60 innocent lives were lost. 


Freedom of Expression...
A Man with 9 Lives.
Matesar Gaung Mathar.
12122023. *PPP*

Unique Universe. Polaris Star or North Pole Star is actually a 3 Star/Sun System comprising of A + Ab + B stars. No wonder Polaris is one of the Brightest Star in our Universe even from 433 light years away distance........ I wonder as my mind goes ... how these 3 Stars/Sun System will look like from a distance of 1 light year away distance?. By the way MIND is a Creation by God as 1 of the images of God. Mind travels FASTER than light (186,000 miles per second). Many Genius Scientists & Thinkers study the MIND of God the Creator but most don't believe in God but never deny the EXISTENCE of Spiritual Super Being that has perfected with Precision Systematically in our Universe beyond the limits of Earthlings understanding. Holilyn.      12102023 



Star bookwriting




MIND of GENIIUS (with 2 ii) :-:I AM different  ... Very different. Finding Ferocious Faith IS Highly Intelligent. Agreed or Not? Is Not important. My insight on this video of most important facts above 13 facts/habits for HIP [ Highly Intelligent Person ] is ... Creativity!!! Remember WE are all created by the Creator God in the IMAGE of HIM ( when I say image it doesn't mean body physical parts. I MEAN the SPIRIT SOUL or MIND of a person). It depends HOW an individual use his/her "Heart & Soul/Spirit" to tame the BEAST (Devil).Yahweh Yeshua & You *YYY*. Amen.Lynpray Lynways Lynlight [LLL]...12012023Note: Learn from informative insight that EINSTEIN brain was preserved and studied because of his Genius Capabilities. Well, brain is just the brain like all other parts of human creation. In FACT all humans parts are PERISHABLE. It's the MIND or SPIRIT or SOUL that drives like the DRIVER of a car ( physical body parts). Amen. By the way, Genius (with one i) Albert Einstein spent all his life searching for the Truth but died while still searching,  so is Gaw Da Ma   Buddha etc. but he also died while searching for they all search for "ways & means" (humans' concept) while GOD is SPIRITUAL. 




Ta Yoke (Chinese) Army live Military exercise at Myanmar border. Looks like Puppet & Puppet Master conducting military exercise in co operation against Democratic Alliance Forces.

YadayarYa / TaBinShweTee       11302023


Immense Integrity Intellectual Imaginable Interstellar Image... 11302023Our Solar System is just a dot there. Imagine !!!. 



Truth will set you free. 11302023Lynlight 



Life of Yeshua / Jesus of Nazareth Born in Bethlehem.


The more I suffer the nearer I move closer to Yeshua / Jesus Christ.

Terencelyn 11292023 

I n n o c e n t
C r u c i f i e d

Biblical Eagle vs. Biblical Dragon.Precise Prophecy Predicament. 


Chinese Army stand by



Innocent YET Crucified.

No Human Being "Suffered" like Jesus Christ on the Cross. None!. Not Buddha, Not Mohammed, Not Confucius, Not Anyone. Only Yeshua.

Extraordinary Example.

Biblical Eagle vs. Biblical Dragon

Precise Prophecy Predicament.


Buddha teaches about the way. Mohammed teaches about the truth. Jesus / Yeshua teaches about the Way, the Truth & Eternal Life. Amen.... 11282023 

In Christianity sometimes why 3 Crosses instead of 1 as a Symbol?. In 3 Crosses on the Hill is a Symbol of, one don't accept or repent, the other accept & repent and the Center is the Savior meaning every human has a choice to accept or reject.

I'm so proud, admire Ei guts, bravery, vision & wisdom. God Bless. Amazing Famous Actress not to mention her extraordinary Beauty, well educated. Since her University student days, she is the Queen. My favorite Burmese Actress. Ei Chaw Po. So glad she is Christian now. God bless her & her family. Her husband, also Christian is a very lucky man. Handsome & Rich Guy too. Congratulations to both. Love their Christian Wedding at the Church. Honeymoon in Phuket, Thailand. Wonderful. Union Spirit (Chin, Kachin & Burmese bloodline). Most important of all is their Souls are SAVED. Christian God Always looks at the HEART for it is Heart & Soul that really matters. Amen. 




Chinese 38 projects & plans in Myanmar. Perfect Stranglehold Trap to suffocate Myanmar. Stupidity & Idiotism have no medicine or cure. Foolish fishes never see the hook, only the attractive food covering the hook. 



Temple Zero / Melchizedek Temple ( My Creative Logo )









Soft Shell Crab (North Carolina) Check video from 30 mins to 42mins.


World's # 1 Gorgeous Beach, Grandfather Rock Beach. Myanmar.


# 2 Whitehaven Beach, Queensland Australia





05292022 Vengeance



God Creation






Mesmerizing Yangon Myanmar

Stop at 11:21 mins in the video (map) will find where I lived (Kanbae/Kyaukkone/Yankin) since childhood to 33 yrs old address. It shows the street name YADANAR St. in Kyaukkone. Our family house is at the end of street "corner lot" near 77 Cakes restaurant on the map (yellow dot).


I lived in Kanbae Yankin, Yangon almost all my life [ 33 years ] in Burma/Myanmar. Nice respectable area/neighborhood (Kyaukkone/Yankin) I grew up. Now new luxury condominiums popping up. Wonderful indeed.


Grandfather Rock Beach, BEST of Best ( #1 ) Beaches in this world. Just as there is HELL on Earth, there is Paradise on Earth too!. The only rival is "Whitehaven" Beach (#2) in Queensland,  Australia. In the heart of famous wonder of the world Great Barrier Reef. The drawback for this Beach is it is accessible only by boat, helicopter or Sea plane. Pure white sand bars beaches in a lagoon.#1 is Grandfather Rock Beach, Thanintharyi Region, Myanmar. Easy access by Land, Air & Sea. The most beautiful place in the world. Dawei Peninsula Inlet,  Myanmar. Nature, You & God (is everywhere). Nothing Else. No internet. Cut off from the Noisy Problematic World. A place of serenity secluded & tranquility to freshen your Brain & Body where Spirit enjoys to its fullest capacity. Scene of Eternal God's Creation second to NONE. 


#2 Whitehaven Beach, Australia


Gold Butte National Park, USA


#1 Natural Wonder: Canyonlands National Park, Utah USA.


Spire Canyon, Utah


White pocket, Utah
