09 10 2024
For me as I had said, the race for White House is OVER on July 13th, 2024 Saturday. It was done deal ORDAINED by GOD. Amen.September 10th, 2024 Tuesday. SeventhSense
09 09 2024
My Favorite Book / Disciple ... REVELATION written by Apostle St. John, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. 9:00pm 09 09 2024 Monday Lyntulus
TRUTH has witnesses. Here's the Historic WRITTEN document by Roman Consul Lentulus on Jesus Christ. In his time & era. Roman Empire.
M.I. Chief General Khin Nyunt Genocide.
09 08 2024
Tri Eagles has Landed MCP Myanmarican 8:18am 09 08 2024 Sunday
Tri Eagles has LANDED:Myanmar Christianization Projects .. [ MCP ].Myanmarican (Bamar/Burmese American).....09 08 2024 Sunday. 7:33am.Karen, Kayah, Kachin, Bamar (NUCC/NUG), Chin & Naga Christians of Myanmar Republic. [ K3BCN ] *Formidable Freedom Forces* of Myanmar.
St. Martin Island [ Myanmar ]
This island history is when British occupied Myanmar the British give it away Myanmar Island to Bangladesh AND in 2012 international community sided with the Bangladesh and let Bangladesh have the island which is only a stone's throw away from Myanmar also known in Burmese OHNN island.
Aye Myat Thu
OHNN island / St. Martin Island
When No Nation (including USA) punish China. GOD did. 150 miles per hour wind Storm. Enjoy !.
CAIN Holy Forever
When ANY country is NOT safe nor secured, in pursuit of happiness can be destroyed making living Life MEANINGLESS.
03 05 2024
Genius to Geniius One of my TOP favorite post.03 04 2024. [ Trinitylyn ]. Old but not Out:
Overcome Oversight Observer [ OOO ]
One of my TOP favorite post.03 04 2024. [ Quiet Quest Quantum ]
Finite Fragile Features:
W a t c h ...
WE WILL get rid of all "Hidden Hitlers" of our Time/Era from Complete Existence to save Our Earth. Amen. A.W.E.
I, called my sisters' skin color ... TAN. YESS !03 05 2024 Infinite Americana [ I.A. ].
N a w a r a t: Miracle Ring Mascot ( MRM )
M y a n m a r/E n g l i s h Metaphor [ MEM ]
03 05 2024 Super Tuesday. Americana
Pop King & Queen. Queen beats King. Phenomenon Polarization. Americana. 03 05 2024. Super Tuesday.
Miracle Mascot 03 05 2024 Super Tuesday
R & D Eclipse
Conspiracy Coming to Surface
Revival Retribution Reveals
Diabolical Deeds Ditched ... 03 05 2024 Super Tuesday
SCOTUS 9 - 0 Ruling FINAL say.03 04 2024. Former US President Donald J. Trump speech after the Ruling.
Historic Unanimous Decision: SCOTUS 9 - 0 Ruling on Trump Ballot Ban by Colorado Supreme Court. 03 04 2024Colorado State does not represent United States thus 45th President Trump candidate for 2024 STANDS.
02 20 2024
What a coincidence!. Today February 19th, 2024 is *Presidents' Day*. Signs of Significance. RFK Jr. Leads 3rd Force in Freedom USA. Gentle Revolution is the ESSENCE of CHANGE and CHANGE Eventually leads to higher level of development. 3 choices is better than 2 choices. Definitely. It's good for the country AND the people. USA is not BOX into Red & Blue ONLY. Putting in a BOX is Dictatorship Mentality let alone FREEDOM. USA flag is made up of 3 colors Red White & Blue. NOT Red & Blue. For 4 decades I stay on the sidelines in Politics. Rarely do I go to rallies let alone sign for Ballot. Think about it.
Earthlyn Essence
Eagle Nebula. The Universe was created out of NOTHING by YAHWEH So are WE. I came into this world alone & will leave alone. From Nothing To Nothing. NothingSomethingEverything !!!.02 19 2024 Omnipresence Omnipotent Omniscient /// Overcome Oversight Observer [ OOO ]. In God Universe Under Christ.
Known as "Grandfather Beach"::: unknown even to Myanmar people let alone the world.Here's another favorite Secluded Silent Serenity. You + Nature + Spirit Presence. This is in Dawei Peninsula Inlet, Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar. I don't think even cell phone/internet is accessible. Randomly White Sandbars emerge when the Andaman Sea tide is low. Remote Reminiscent Refreshing. Myanmar as a country is already isolated and cut off from International community. This particular place is isolated from the rest of the country so one can imagine this.place is ultra super isolated self cocoon where there's no internet or cell phone is available. TOTAL secluded area. Nature undeveloped virgin unexplored unknown place which suits to my.need. MEE Nature & Holy Spirit.CocoonCosmos.......Earthlyn Essence.
Melia Buffet Yangon
Grandfather Beach
I rank this place Whitehaven, Queensland Australia 2nd in the world RIVAL to Grandfather, Tanintharyi, Myanmar. It's accessible only by flight (air) & waterway (boat) where else Myanmar Grandfather Beach is accessible by land, air & sea. 3 ways. Whitehaven sandbars are larger than Grandfather. The water level at Whitehaven [Pacific Ocean tide] is deep where else Myanmar Grandfather water level is shallow for Andaman Sea tide is not that deep. Good for walkabout. Also I like the Virginity of Grandfather Beach where few Earthlings roamed. Less pollution.
Creator's Crux Creation @ it's Best.My number 1 unknown beach on the ENTIRE Planet Earth. It fits my CRUX criteria where Nature is AS IS. Not far from My Birthplace. Amen. Grandfather Beach, Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar. Virgin Unknown Unexplored Undeveloped Unique Ultra Secluded Silent Serenity. Randomly only at Andaman Sea "low tide" did the white soft sandbars emerge where one can "walkabout" through knee deep crystal clear turquoise waters around the INLET of Dawei Peninsula. Perfect place for tranquility nature & spirit presence.
Earthlyn Essence.
Added: I hope & pray concerning "Earthlings", both in Myanmar & International PRESERVE this place from destruction. Let the Earth lives her natural way.
5 guys
This is how I will rule New MyanMar Ten Fundamental Laws1) Change the Constitution2) Separate Civilian & Military. Other words civilians cannot be charged with military laws3) Christian Generals in TOP brass Military 4) 2 official languages namely Burmese (1st) & English (2nd). BAN Chinese language. 5) Ratio of 50/50 between Burmese & Ethnic races in Civilian UNION Government. 6] 1 Union Congress (People's Representatives/elect) 1 Federal Government (3 political parties elect) 1 Superior High Court (Justice System). 3 separate EQUAL powers.7) 1 Centralized Federal Bank with 15 Branches Fair & Free Faith practices without politics.9) Agriculture, Technology & Morality Base Nation.10) True God will be Our Foundation for ETERNITY. 11/16/2023. Lynways
FUM Federal Union of Myanmar National Flag.
Eagle Entrepreneur Entity.*Biblical Eagle* USA is NOT about building skyscrapers, roads, trains infrastructure like "Biblical Dragon" China which is liable to concrete jungle & can reduced to rubbles if war happens. No wonder China SHE is coming to San Fran USA finally succumb to meet with US President 46th after 6 yrs of refusal and ignorance. USA scope & strategy is about "expansion" like the UNIVERSE created by YAHWEH itself that thoroughly fits for an "Ever Expanding EMPIRE" around the Globe AND the Space. Mars is more likely to be US Territory extension not to mention "GreenBack" is the Backbone of World's Economy. Amen AWE.Lynlight. 11162023
USA number one in Christianity. Always from 1945 to 2050. True God"s Country.
Never put a snake in your pocket. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Right On Ron. Appeasement invites Aggression. Aggression invites Problems. The World has enough problems already. Not wise to make more. Prevention is better than cure. Adversaries should be stop on their tracks, right then & there.
The *White House*. Seat of World's Chief and the "GreenBack" Stops here. Ancient BUT Authentic.
Lynlight 11152023.
Myanmar Civil War Travel Advisory. Looks like only 20% (green area) are safe but still needs to call and check first before traveling. YadaYarYa 11152023
Spring Revolution Forces under the leadership of National Unity Government (civilian) of Myanmar gaining Momentum (80%) while Military Coup Council forces RESCINDED Significantly in Myanmar Civil War. Massive extreme CORRUPTION within Burmese Buddhists Military institutions is the ROOT cause to disintegrate Implosion of MYANMAR Military. Many Coup Council China Vassal Buddhist Generals Troops are Surrendering & Switching in DROVES to Spring Revolutionary Forces including PDF (People Defense Force) & EAO ( Ethnic Armed Organizations ). Only 20% of the Country is GREEN (safe) area.
Embracing THE Eternal:Multiple Names for Jesus / Yeshua / Messiah etc. For example the Spectrum of Rainbow has 7 [ not fake 6 ] distinct colors but the commoner is Rainbow or ray of light which is bright white. There are 3 MEN in the Holy Bible that mentioned they all ascended to Heaven Alive [ never die on Earth while living ].1] Enoch 2] Elijah 3] Melchizedek. Yeshua DIED first then RISEN on the 3rd day from his death. Why Jesus is different??? Why as God's only son doesn't ascend to Heaven Alive like the 3 men?. You got questions I got answers. YAHWEH [ True God ] wants to show to HIS beloved Creation Humans that there is HOPE & WINNING over death. Righteous Redemption I would should say. GOD's purpose is sometimes "incomprehensible". There is ONLY one catch and that is YOU must believe in God 100% from YOUR heart unconditionally. Amen.Just like I had many writer code names but I AM the one & only writer in different names...Highend. 11152023
Top View Above The Rest +++ Everest Evangelical Everything +++ So high you can see the CURVE of Planet Earth.
Mandalay Bay Massacre ( MBM )
NOTICE to Yangonites (Yangon City Dwellers). Civil War Situation by Daw Yin Lay.PDF ( People's Defense Forces with an 's' including Myanmar Ethnic Liberation Forces ) are gaining momentum in "Offensive" Operations in Synchronize manner throughout Myanmar. Mounting Pressures Burmese Buddhist Military Coup Council Corner into is asking HELP from "Putin Russia" & "She China".Father TIME is on FREEDOM FORCES LIBERATORS side. Absolutely. MiniFed [Sanctions/Shark Bite]FreedomForeverBURMA LAW in USA is very effective in Liberation of 7 decades of Barbaric Military Fascist rule. Yahweh is with us.
Thank God there is no Man Made Pagodas here. The true nature of God's creation Virgin View with white sand bars and beaches in conjunction with Turquoise crystal clear waters in the INLET of Dawei Peninsular, Taninthayi Region, Myanmar. This scene can be seen ONLY when the Andaman Sea tide is LOW.
Real Realistic Redemption. Nevada State can be the Richest State in America.
MANY Nations have to buy/purchase (like greedy Ta - Yoke / China) GOLD (Bars in Tonnage) for Reserves. United States of America don't have to BECAUSE USA is sitting on the World's Gold Mine. Abundance of Gold ABOVE ground & UNDER ground. Our/My cup runneth over said Our Lord of Lords. Amen. Natural Wealth. Jehovah blessing. God's country USA Gold Reserves. Top 3 States (out of 50 States & Territories).Nevada State Number 1 in US for Gold Reserves. 70% of annual Gold Production. Produces 225 Million Troy Ounces so far. Number 2 Colorado State produce 44 Million Troy Ounces so far and Number 3 South Dakota produces 40 Million Troy Ounces so far COMBINE 309 Million Troy Ounces of Gold making "50% of World's Gold Reserves in my perspective". No NATION on Earth can RIVAL YAHWEH BLESSING CREATION of Value.
P.S. The Muslim Arabic World got the Oil but WE, Children of Light has the GOLD, precious commodity for use. Of course WE have the Oil too but for some reason or reasons WE reserves the Oil too by not extracting & using them. Another ENERGY Reserves. REMEMBER..... All these creation by God is subject to God's discretion in availability AND usage for HE OWNS EVERYTHING. Amen. You will be in AWE if I say Nevada State ALONE is sitting on the Gold Bed the size of FRANCE.C r u x x e r 11132023
Angel Wonderful Entity ... AWE ... 11122023 I Love it. Under estimating the 46th huh?. He walks slow, Talks soft but will STRIKE hard ... very Hard.President Biden gives WAR POWERS notice to United States Congress. Wonderful *Biblical Eagle*. The GUARDIAN of World's FREEDOM. NOW we are in SERIOUS Business. Soar like the Biblical Eagle. May God Yahweh with US.
Symbol of Salvation & Superiority Trinity Crosses on the Roof of the World.11122023C r u x x e r
Nobody Owns Nothing
God Owns Everything
C r u x x e r 11122023
Fallen Angels
Quantum Physics
"Merry Christmas" Season Arrives. I personally starts celebrating on "Thanksgiving Day" which falls on my birth number 23.
Burmese Buddhists or Thai Buddhists or Ta - Yoke / wicked (Chinese) Buddhists should build Pagodas on those mountain tops. Why no Pagodas or Temples there??? On top ?.Yahweh creates a situation to "preserve" his natural Beauty creation where Fairytale freaky "fanatics" can't do shit. If they do, they will be Frozen Freakout Foke-ups.
Burmese Buddhist Military spokesman said towns & bases take over by Revolution forces are nothing but RUMORS. Burma now Myanmar Buddhist Military ruled the country for 7 decades and they can't control 80% of the nation let alone 100%. This is a fact not fiction. WA chinese speaking ethnic chinese control inside Myanmar territory is now claiming they are Myanmar ethnic and want a big chunk of Shan State (biggest State in the Union) as their military base funded by China. These Chinese ethnic WA speaks ONLY Chinese and used ONLY Chinese money inside Myanmar. Burmese Buddhist Military can't do nothing about it. Buddhist Military just fold their arms and watch WA Chinese grow their Military might getting bigger and expanding their territory WIDER every year. Two face Ta-Yoke (Chinese) funded & support both Burmese Buddhists Military & Revolution forces blatantly interfered in Myanmar Internal Affairs.
Thank God there is no "Man Made" Pagodas here to spoil God's Creative Nature's Unparalleled Beauty.. The true nature of God's creation Authentic "Virgin View" with white sand bars and beaches in conjunction with Turquoise crystal clear waters in the INLET of Dawei Peninsular, Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar. This scene can be seen ONLY when the Andaman Sea tide is LOW. Rarest scene of serenity & tranquility. Perfect place to talk (pray) to God the Creator of all things.
AIM & AWE 11112023
Note: Even in this video one can see the Buddhists build Pagodas with their "fairytales" handed down generations after generations on the Cliffs of Dawei Peninsular POINT. Thank God NOT at Grandfather Beach INLET. There at the INLET one can enjoy the true authentic Nature Original Beauty WITHOUT man made objects spoiling the Virgin View. Even the sands (beaches) color is different. INLET is pure white and POINT sands are light brown.
Revealing The Naked TRUTH. Telling The "Whole" TRUTH is not a Sin nor a Crime. Burmese Buddhists have the "radical syndrome of tendency" by putting ice cream cone upside down pointed shape of "man made" gold leaf covers STUPAS at any "strange places" like waterfalls, cliffs, boulder rocks, caves, hills, river side, Confluence etc. you name it, anything high ALL over the country too DESTROYING the *Natural Beauty* GOD Yahweh had created. No wonder this Buddhist Country was infested with CIVIL WAR since World War 2 to date. The longest CIVIL WAR in human history. Kinda like a Curse. To them is beautiful but for NONE Buddhist it can be an "Eye Sour/Sores". Remember ... One man's treasure is another man's trash. Yes, this Philosophical Perception is bloody true. Truth never Lie. Amen.
Angel Wonderful Entity [ AWE ] ... 11112023.
Enlightened Buddhism Teacher "Gaw Da Ma Buddha" himself, an Indian Prince from India did many FASTINGS and ALL his life SEARCHING for The TRUTH. His Teachings are GOOD but he is just a MAN like everyone else succumbs to DEATH, DIED and GONE forever. May HIS soul rest in peace just like he teaches after all IT IS the SOUL that matters for Physical Body goes back to dust as Yahweh had created FROM dust TO dust. Amen After Amen.
Tall statue of Jesus Christ the Redeemer on the high mountain top overlooking the Capital City & Ocean. Great location... 11112023
Gold White & Brown ... Tri-Colors. Many called it "Bald Eagle". I called it "Biblical Eagle"... 11112023.
Angels [Good] & Demons (Evil) Indefinite Battle
Sun is just 1 star out of Guzzillion stars in the Universe created by Jehovah Jesus & Jeshua. Trinity in 1.AAW.Note: Did you or can you comprehend / understand what *Guzzillion* stands for???. It's NOT in the dictionary folks. It's way too ADVANCED word of Angelic Society Syllabus Symbol. It's "unrelated" to Layman's Pavement Platform Perceptional Concept. No wonder IT IS NOT in Earthlings Dictionary.
Angelic Beings, followers of FAL follow their Chief Lucifer and rule in the Universe besides HEAVEN the Kingdom of Kingdoms where Jehovah & Jesus resides OUTSIDE of the Universe.
What is AAW?. It's "Arch Angel Wonderful" assigned by Jesus Christ as "Personal Vanguard" against Evil Demonic Beings led by Chief "Fallen Angel Lucifer" (FAL). FAL was cast out by Jehovah & Jesus from Heavenly Kingdom for Insurrection or Rebellion against Jehovah / God. On Earth among Earthlings in United States of America, God's Country "Insurrection" problem is on going despite of ongoing New Election. Earthlings have Spiritual & Physical bodies. Angelic Beings are Spiritual and Demonic Creatures or Beasts are Physical.
Universal Truth:
Just as there is Light & Darkness, there is only male & female gender. The rest are deceptive make believe manufactured lies... [AAW]
Arch Angel Wonderful. [ AAW ].
MM Flag
GOD sees the TRUTH but waits. Bring it On. I've got NOTHING to hide. THEY got many things to hide. TRUTH never change nor compromise. It is WHAT it is! Special Rare Specie [ SRS ]. Dated June 15th, 2022.
Discover St. George UTAH [ Home of the Confluence of Virgin & Santa Clara Rivers ].
Beautiful Birds
27 years of Independence
NEW NATO membership Ukraine & Georgia
Asia Front
Golden Triangle
Russian Cruelty
My EMBLEM Bird [ Golden Pheasant ]
This is how they roll
03 11 2024
I forgot I wrote this in Burmese language. Thanks for reminding my writings & posts.... 7 years later. You know Facebook can create a book by picking the good ones of my abundance posts. I don't mind Facebook. Free For All ... my gift.ဖန် ဆင်း ရှင် ထာ ဝ ရ ဘု ရား သ္ခင် ပ ထ ဦး ဆုံး မိန်း မ ကို ဖန် ဆင်း တော် မူ တုံး က မိန်း မ ဟာ ယော က်ျား မ ရှိ ရင် မ တင့် တယ် မ ရောင့် ရဲ ပါ ဘူး။ မိန်း မ အ တွက် တင်း တိန် ရောင့် ရဲ လုံ ခြုံ မှု အ ပြည့် အ ဝ ပေး နိင် တာ ယော က်ျား ပါ။ ကျွန် တော် တို့ ယုံ ကြည် တဲ့ အ သက် ရှင် တော် မူ သော ဘု ရား ရဲ့ ရီ ရွယ် ချက် က ယောက်ျား နဲ့ မိန်း မ ၂ ကိုယ့် တ စိတ် ထဲ ဖြစ် ပြီး တ ယောက် ကို တ ယောက် နက် နက် နဲ နဲ ချစ် ချစ် ခင် ခင် လေး လေး စား စား ရှိ ဘို့ ပါ ဘဲ။ မိန်း မ အ တွက် ကိုယ် ချစ် တဲ့ ယော က်ျား ကို မ ပြု စု မ ယု ရ ရင် စိတ် မ ကောင်း ရုံ တင် မ က ဝမ်း နဲ ကြေ ကွဲ မှာ အ မှန် ပါ ဘဲ။ နု တဲ့ မိန်း မ သား နှ လုံး သား လေး ဟာ ကိုယ် မြတ် နိုး ချစ် ရ တဲ့ အ သဲ န လုံး ပိုင် ရှင် ချစ် ယော က်ျား အ နား မှာ မ ရှိ တဲ့ အ တွက် အား ငယ် မိ မှာ အ မှန် ပါ။ ချစ် ခြင်း မေ တ္တာ ဟာ လဲ အ သွား အ ပြန်၊ အ ပေး အ ယူ ရှိ မှ ပျော် ရွှင် မှု အ ပြည့် အ ဝ ပေး နိုင် မယ် လေ။Above is my writing in Burmese mode keyboard I remember now. I may be slow in writing in Burmese but can write beautifully. Told you I had the potential to be powerful in "digital savviness" given by Eternal God. Amen.
There's ONLY 2 Birds that can stand against Storm. 1] Bald Eagle ( Lyn Yon ). 2] Sea Gull ( Zyn Yaw ). That's it. https://www.facebook.com/100075968975764/videos/978130119870088
My Family Photos. My mom & dad sitting on my dad's car near suburbs/outskirts of Rangoon/Yangon, Burma. My dad likes hunting deer etc. He passed away when I was 9 years old. The 1st color picture is our family AFTER dad passed away. Dad left and my mom becomes single parent taking care of her 4 kids working as Teacher @ MEHS both morning & evening shifts (2shifts) 5 days/week AND give Piano Tuition to Tiger Balm Company owner kids on Saturdays (weekends). On Sundays she does Church work like playing piano & singing for Church Choir. The Kanbe Baptist Church she help FOUNDED upon still exists today in Yangon Myanmar. I had 1 big brother and 2 elder sisters. I wear a checker Tie, western wear. My younger sister with skirt came along with me together migrate to USA 1983 where my mom & elder (tall) sister living in USA as Citizens sponsor us (younger ones). Big brother passed away and didn't make it to join us in USA. I'm the ONLY sole SURVIVOR today over coming the deep recession in 2008 and pandemic 2020 of USA.
During Democracy Flourish, BEFORE Military Fascist rule Burmese Musical Group when Burma was the Jewel of Asia. In those days Kyat 1 goes a long way for I attend Rangoon Arts & Science University (RASU) with Kyat 1 a Day (never forget) that includes Bus fare (2 ways/50 Pyas) from home including money for Food at Canteen. I don't recall the USD exchange rate (1960s) but I think $1 USD = Kyat 5). Now USD 1 = Kyats 2,500?. What a contrast. RASU in Rangoon now Yangon, Burma now Myanmar where people from Thailand, Singapore etc. comes to learn for RASU is the STAR of Asia at that time producing UN Secretary General U Thant.Many white Americans here in US ask me where do I learn English because they said I speak very well. I replied in Burma I learn from Missionary Methodist English High School [ MEHS ] where I also got this TERENCE name too. GOD Jesus had his purpose in teaching & giving English to Burmese Boy not to mention I was BAPTIZE (12 years old) @ Kanbe Baptish Church where 0 Christian in Staunch Buddhist Burma Mission by American Pioneer Genius Adoniram Judson (1st American Missionary Overseas) during the Burmese Kingdom time/era. My eternal hero Adoniram Judson & his family Sacrifice their lives for the sake of CHRIST. Amen.
Grandfather rock beach in Myanmar
Yangon University
Burmese student (me) life in Yangon, Burma (1970s). 0.0005 dollar (1 Kyat) a day for Food & Bus fare (back & forth 2 way, 1 way fare is 25pyas). 1Kyat = 100pyas. Burmese money.
Burmese student life in New York City showing how he spent $10 a day on attending class and food (breakfast, lunch & dinner) with $10 a day just for food only.Well I break his record because in Yangon while attending University my mom gives me 1 Kyat per day for transport (bus 2 way fees 50 pyas or 1/2 of 1 Kyat = 100 pyas) and for food at University Canteen 50 pyas or 1/2 of 1Kyat. That was in 1970s. Now USD $1 = 2,000 Kyats so you do the math? $1 ÷ 2,000 = 0.0005 dollar a day record spending attending classes plus bus fare & food. Should be the record of Genius indeed. Now Myanmar don't use pyas anymore. Only Kyat. Myanmar Inflation is sky rocketed. That's how I manage to spent a day on food & bus fee from our house to University 2 ways and attend Rangoon Arts & Science University now renamed University of Yangon, Myanmar.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OpG7LlqBE4
Tabinshwethee King.
Understanding Myanmar. Tabinshwethee King.Did you know I/We lived in our family house (last house before migrating to USA) @ Tabinshwethee Street, Kyaukkone, Yangon Myanmar?. Ancient Myanmar, Tabinshwethee King is the most powerful highly majestic/mystical power (Genius) non rival King EVER. He became King at the young age of 14 years old.When I look at current Myanmar Tatmadaw 3 King statues, they are Anawratha, Bayintnaung & Alaungpaya.03302023Me & My Sister Barbara Lyn together at our house backyard where we had Turkeys @ Tabinshwethee Street, Kyaukkone, Yankin Township, Yangon City Myanmar, the LAST house BEFORE we both migrate to USA together. Amenn.03302023
Me & Sis @ Tabinshwethee Street, Kyaukkone, Yangon, Myanmar.Understanding Terencelyn / Thane Toe Lyn.Me & My Sister Barbara Lyn / May May Lyn together at our house backyard where we had Turkeys @ Tabinshwethee Street, Kyaukkone, Yankin Township, Yangon City Myanmar, the LAST house BEFORE we both migrate to USA together. Amenn.
TaneToeLyn Emblem
Index Impact :Good Company (Employer) always have these criteria on their MANAGEMENT team. NOT investigating behind and ignoring training on their (all) employees picking on some if they don't like. Good Company/Employer NEVER put down ANY employee (especially high seniority employee) nor disregard for no human is perfect any way. I can go on endlessly how GOOD Company/Employer should play fair and decent attitude and action for I'm in this employee business for 36 years. No EMPLOYEE can last/survive 36 years straight if BAD. That's the naked TRUTH, PROVEN RECORD & EVIDENCE. All you have to do is verify the HIRE DATE not TRANSFER date. Amenn.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWZbfreEMhA
She's checking my white cell phone (I've got 2 cell phones for me). I wonder what was she thinking?. Your guess is as good as mine. Having morning breakfast together. She's so interested in my cell phones. I let her look at my smaller white cell phone while I took the picture with my larger black cell phone. Woman, what can you say huh?..........Transparent Terence.https://www.facebook.com/terencelyn/posts/pfbid026X2wJvGUcQQE4xoT8xreZSv5sZrcjYRkd5CEU2qcevLiyqGU1xRDiTTGtPiD8Yckl
Dated May 28th, 2023 (Sunday). Truth is Eternal. First Translation from English to Myanmar BIBLE and founder of Baptist Christianity in Burma GENIUS American Reverend Adoniram Judson birth place/house in Boston, USA. Rev. A.J. is the first Pioneer in American Missionary overseas went to India first but God divert him to Burma thus 100% Animalism, Evil Spirits (Nats) and Statues/Buddhism worshiping people transform into Eternal LIVING Holy Spirit worshipping Christians in Burma now called Myanmar. In his days n time Burmese Kings who were converted into Buddhism by Indian Monks from India who landed in current Mon State /Mon Kingdom first was Conquer by Burmese Kings thus all MON cultures are taken away and spread to Central Myanmar where Burmese Kingdoms ( Ta-Gaung, Ava, Bagan & Mandalay etc.) Kingdoms worship Buddhism to this day although there is no Kingdoms left in Burma for the LAST Burmese King & his Royal family was taken to India by Victorious British (British Burmese wars) and the King died and buried in India. Buddhism originated from India and Burmese King was buried in India. The UGLY shackles of past Burma still carried on today as under Master Chinese control, kills it's own people and ramsake the country at will hijacking the country and RAPE, KILL & BOMB the poor innocent PEOPLE as they wish periodically. Although 4 times of Coups in Myanmar but multiple deaths in Myanmar than in Thailand many more Coups but less deaths makes Myanmar a FAILED state. The Indians are smart by converting the King (head/ruler) thus the whole Kingdom/people fell under Buddhism for in those days King's command is ABSOLUTE & FINAL. If you look at the map giant India is the next door neighbor of Burma and all the Coastline, Rakhine, Ayeyarwady Delta, Mon state are mostly Buddhists sanctuary regions influence by Buddhism originated from India where Buddha himself was an Indian Prince.All I wish in Myanmar is a Monument of Rev. A.J. and a Church for the people to gather together in the name of Father God, Son Jesus & Holy Spirit. Amen. That's my wish.Note: This is NOT a Translation but My Insight concerning my "Eternal Hero" American Reverend Adoniram Judson dedication to Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Because of him his family Sacrifice I am one of millions who become Christians in 90% Staunch Buddhist Country Burma.P.S. Everybody has the right to worship who or whatever he/she wishes BUT stick to the TRUTH no matter what, is "quintessential". Thank you Lord our God Jesus Christ/Yeshua. I live for him, he died for us. Amen After Amen.PMS.
Adoniram Judsonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIUNrMDutPoPioneer American Baptist Missionary Genius Reverend Adoniram Judson & Family Account.Brilliant Burmese translator from English to Burmese Bible Creator guided by Eternal God. The Sacrifice he & his family given to Burma was second to none in this world. Because of him & his family Millions in Burma now Myanmar have become Evangelical Baptists today. Thank you so much with infinite gratitude. Amen.PMS..... May the INVISIBLE Force be with Myanmar.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XXAOC0YMf4Pioneer American Genius Adoniram Judson. Reverend Adoniram Judson Translate the first Burmese Bible AND create English to Burmese Dictionary AND Burmese to English Dictionary help Burma develop into International World. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gk6OJfBLviU
https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/m/01_9fy&hl=en-US&q=Adoniram+Judson&kgs=098d53371ea0f7cb&shndl=17&source=sh/x/kp/osrp/4https://www.facebook.com/EvangelistHtunHtun/videos/261277746562147Dated May 28th, 2023 (Sunday). Truth is Eternal. First Translation from English to Myanmar BIBLE and founder of Baptist Christianity in Burma GENIUS American Reverend Adoniram Judson birth place/house in Boston, USA. Rev. A.J. is the first Pioneer in American Missionary overseas went to India first but God divert him to Burma thus 100% Animalism, Evil Spirits (Nats) and Statues/Buddhism worshiping people transform into Eternal LIVING Holy Spirit worshipping Christians in Burma now called Myanmar. In his days n time Burmese Kings who were converted into Buddhism by Indian Monks from India who landed in current Mon State /Mon Kingdom first was Conquer by Burmese Kings thus all MON cultures are taken away and spread to Central Myanmar where Burmese Kingdoms ( Ta-Gaung, Ava, Bagan & Mandalay etc.) Kingdoms worship Buddhism to this day although there is no Kingdoms left in Burma for the LAST Burmese King & his Royal family was taken to India by Victorious British (British Burmese wars) and the King died and buried in India. Buddhism originated from India and Burmese King was buried in India. The UGLY shackles of past Burma still carried on today as under Master Chinese control, kills it's own people and ramsake the country at will hijacking the country and RAPE, KILL & BOMB the poor innocent PEOPLE as they wish periodically. Although 4 times of Coups in Myanmar but multiple deaths in Myanmar than in Thailand many more Coups but less deaths makes Myanmar a FAILED state. The Indians are smart by converting the King (head/ruler) thus the whole Kingdom/people fell under Buddhism for in those days King's command is ABSOLUTE & FINAL. If you look at the map giant India is the next door neighbor of Burma and all the Coastline, Rakhine, Ayeyarwady Delta, Mon state are mostly Buddhists sanctuary regions influence by Buddhism originated from India where Buddha himself was an Indian Prince.All I wish in Myanmar is a Monument of Rev. A.J. and a Church for the people to gather together in the name of Father God, Son Jesus & Holy Spirit. Amen. That's my wish.Note: This is NOT a Translation but My Insight concerning my "Eternal Hero" American Reverend Adoniram Judson dedication to Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Because of him his family Sacrifice I am one of millions who become Christians in 90% Staunch Buddhist Country Burma.P.S. Everybody has the right to worship who or whatever he/she wishes BUT stick to the TRUTH no matter what, is "quintessential". Thank you Lord our God Jesus Christ/Yeshua. I live for him, he died for us. Amen After Amen.PMS.https://www.facebook.com/EvangelistHtunHtun/videos/233776315957908
Rare Specie ....... Myanmar Christians [ MC ].My Mother Founded This Baptist Church. The left side hall is where the Piano & Church Choir is (back then). My mom leads Choir, sings & plays the piano. I was "Baptized in Christ" here at the age of 12. Amen. Picture taken 2016 Myanmar Visit.
3 Famous Myanmar Kings.Anawratha [ 1st Kingdom ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhHc6YEwuHQBayintnaung [ 2nd Kingdom ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmdN01w1Ec4Alaungpaya [ 3rd Kingdom ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptQI_zoE5hchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deued9PJKb4Tabinshwehtee Reincarnation 03302023
Tabinshwehteehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLBvveeMyQkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8IBnU119jEYangon Downtown street food. Make up artist Lin Lin having good times. She order soft crab fried rice & crispy fried crab meat cook right in front of her fresh n hot. I like simple life like that. Lowest price delicious fresh hot foods cook in front of you, no need shopping cleaning n cooking. Eat & Go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ig_ey1nuC0U Thaw Gyi street food stall.One stop Myanmar food. 65 different variety of curries. Interested in chicken intestine & goat intestine curries from his menu. Phone 09 - 974566461. Price range from 700 K - 2,700 K.$1 = K 2,000 Myanmar Kyat (roughly). Also coconut rice available. My favorite curry is "Nga Yant Oo" (fish intestines curry). Stall location is Cross streets of "Pa day thar" junction near "Myit thar lan Ma". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL9Z01ghi74
Convocation Hall is sacred.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6C-HSP06cshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4aRKsymOU0
Golden Years are in RASU.My Best Years of My Life is RASU University years. Me Baptized by Reverend Judson Aung at Kanbe Baptist Church, Yangon Myanmar at age 12 years old and Rangoon Arts & Science University Psychology Major students group. Can you find me?. I'm the farthest right corner (long hair & skinny). Next to me is the guy (folded arms) who was tied with me as Freshers King. Had to re-vote and he got few more than me and become King. My mom gives me 1 Kyat per day attending University and that includes bus fare (2 way) & canteen food at University. Now USD $1= 2,000 Kyats?. So 1÷2,000 = 0.0005 USD per day attending University from our house in Kyaukkone. Still it is the best Golden years of my life because the girls at school are very kind (some have crush on me) and copy my missing notes/lectures for me to study not to mention their "love & kindness" on me is beyond imagination. I miss my class because at Science side of University is where the pretty ladies are. Especially Physics & Chemistry classes (some of my girlfriends are from there) where I used to check for pretty chicks thus missing my classes so much I was called to the lecturers OFFICE and scolded for poor attendance. I do have some girlfriends at Arts side too (Geography & Economics major). I failed on my final fourth year and had to try twice making 5 years instead of normal 4 years to Graduate. https://www.facebook.com/terencelyn/posts/pfbid02QZZjhrknFGJAQoNR73GjDedxM9BPriVBTA7Jcuoaxmcshh7XnBXULfKfoNDmBGtVlhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBLxB0Qv7VIM y a n m a r Ancient Cultural Costume Dramatic Dance & Show. My fav video. ... Tabinshwehtee21C. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9Ip6XF0Lpghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLokl6SgqTU
Baptized by Reverend Judson Aung @ Kanbe Baptist Church founded by My Mother in Kyaukkone, Yankin Township, Yangon city, Myanmar.&Psychology Major Batch/Group of My Class. Me at the farthest right corner skinny & long hair. Next to me with folded arms is the one I lost in tied (have to re-vote twice) as Freshers King at RASU (Rangoon Arts & Science University).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBLxB0Qv7VIM y a n m a r Ancient Cultural Costume Dramatic Dance & Show. My fav video. ... Tabinshwehtee21C. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9Ip6XF0Lpghttps://www.facebook.com/terencelyn/posts/pfbid01C3uEoXNbeFVj5hf8DaGegRqV9QfG2J5qpoe6uoPiMeJR3XXcgh2QZYA3axWx7wzl
LYNLYNKOriginal Texas Briskethttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0T-1ns9y9cGrill Buffet in Yangonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYMrAEwUmhwRestaurant in Yankinhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgAgxjKnRKAStreet food in South Okkalapahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xazaT-qGHI4&t=2sInya Lake in Yangonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGx5Uvl9l1Q&t=1sMaha Bandula Park in Yangonhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NO_MJV67uoLas Vegashttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13Osddoql_E&t=2s
Melchizedek Temple [ Temple Zero ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1SgTuC6468https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1SgTuC6468
Let's go to the Original >>> Yangon Street Food.Street Food CAPITAL of the World.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl5uW8vAbowhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFfkW1JMFrghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9ZyhJpZmCcBurmese Food. Number 1 Cuisine in the World. Taste, texture, recipe, style of cooking avoiding frozen or using only fresh foods make it special & unrivaled in this world. Poor Burmese/Myanmar people. They cannot live in their own country where Chinese control Military BOMB their own people. No wonder China, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, even Laos all suck up Burma and prosper. Burma is a SUCK up, STUCK up country where millions of people run away to other countries and live. Burmese cannot live peacefully in Burma. Thailand alone has 5 million Burmese living.Cursed by Evil. Never discriminate Jesus Christ believers for consequences are dreadful.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdmIXc_9fZ0Burmese food IS the World's number 1 delicious & addictive fresh (not frozen) food ever and yet LEAST expensive / known. Burma located next to India has abundance of diverse spices to top it off not to mention Delta of fresh water Rivers, streams etc. A delta that can be seen from space.Mynlish !+! 05212023https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuoNvzSltmI
Nelson, Nevadahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JntLKykc-Ro
You bring it to my attention baby blue eyes. Love you too.Dated July 21st, 2023.https://www.facebook.com/candace.harmony/videos/1025836148596560
Bloodsworn : A Burmese Historian (YouTube channel)Number 1 favorite.https://www.youtube.com/@bloodswornaburmesehistorianhttps://www.facebook.com/BloodsworntoprotectUnderstanding Myanmarhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKkwRV0DpCwhttps://www.youtube.com/shorts/tWsslYwIt2E04042023Myanmar needs Christian Generals in the Military.Tabinshwehtee21C
04042023My Take. BOTH sides. STOP the fighting. START negotiating. Dated 04/04/2023. https://www.facebook.com/VOABurmese/videos/968009304229398
My Take. BOTH sides. STOP the fighting. START negotiating. Dated 04/04/2023. https://www.facebook.com/VOABurmese/videos/968009304229398US 45th President Donald Trump arrival in New York Airport with his personal private Jet to face possible Charges against him tomorrow 04/04/2023.(Tuesday). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FM6LkJqdG8IMy Take? 1. Harry Truman (#33) Baptist. America is a Christian Nation. 2. Jimmy Carter Born again Baptist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMS_w3FlHrkMy Fav? Woodrow Wilson (#28) PhD. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDjCm6ll1gISuccumb to TIME. My Top 3 fav past Presidents. #1 Woodrow Wilson (28) 2 Harry Truman (33) & 3 Ronald Reagan (40). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GHJ3AxvJj8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE-P1_xikQsChina building military base in Myanmar Great Coco island in Indian Ocean. China is making Myanmar as her "vassal" state. 04032023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=op8uhGgUgVY